How to Improve Concentration, Increase Brain Power and Memory

Devoting full attention to what you are doing, is the key to improving your brain power, intelligence and memory and to success with your goals. If you can't focus on one thing or one set of things, properly how can you hope to get good outcomes and achieve your goals? Successful people have learnt how to focus their mind on their goals with blazing intensity, even while multitasking, by focusing on one task at a time, avoiding distractions until they finish them in the appropriate order.

There are always a myriad of competing things going on at the same time and the endless clutter can be distracting. To really focus and concentrate you need to find ways of dealing this and free your mind and attention so you can apply the 'blinkers' and achieve you tasks and objectives in a timely way. This article looks at the ways to improve your ability to really focus and concentrate on tasks and to avoid the distractions and shallow thinking.

Learn how to improve your focus and concentration with this collection of grest tips
Learn how to improve your focus and concentration with this collection of grest tips. Source: Public Domain

Tips for Improving Concentration, Focus and Attention

Be Conscious and Deliberate about Concentrating

You will only be successful at improving your concentrating after have to make a conscious and deliberate decision to truly focus your attention on something. Sounds very simple, but nothing will improve unless you make the changes required both in terms of removing distractions, applying the blinkers and learning how to be more focused and concentrate. Often lack of focus is cause by unconscious decisions to put off doing it, because it is too hard. Also people like to be distracted for the same reason. Part of the solution lies is being better organised so that you focus only on one thing at a time and have a logical schedule for doing things. Remove the clutter, clear your head and just do it.

Set Clear Goals, Milestones and Time Lines

To focus and concentrate effectively with real effort you need to define what you want to achieve and to break it down into milestones, a linked sequence of steps and tasks. If you are vague about what you are trying to do how can you concentrate on all the jumble of things that may be racing through your mind at once. At the outset develop a plan, a logical set of tasks, write them down and do them one by one. The writing down is important because the tasks can be removed from your mind, because they are in a safe place. Part of the process is to clear your mind of all the jumble of tasks that are churning through your brain. Writing them down i a list clears the decks so you can focus on them one at a time. It is essential to have specific outcomes in mind and some idea on how long it will take. If you set a timeline, there is a better chance that all those other things you have to do will not suddenly re-surface creating distractions.

Be Consistent and Stick to Your Routines

Being consistent in your work environment and schedules helps avoid distractions. Changing things is a fabulous way a becoming distracted and putting things off. Sticking to your time routine also maintains a work pattern, schedule and rhythm to what you do which will aid concentration. It helps to have a place and time for being focused and an established routine. 

Avoid, Shun and Shed Distractions

This sounds simple but it takes time, effort to set up and practice. Interference and distractions are the enemies of focus and concentration. If you are honest you will probably admit that you like distractions because it avoids the effort and pain (?) of concentration. It is so easy to be distracted. It is a bit like the appeal of chocolate and resisting the temptation. The best way to avoid the temptations to have no chocolate in the house or office. The best way of avoiding distractions is to remove the sources. Switch off the e-mail, the message service, the browser, the phone, the smartphone and close the door so people won't distract you. Distractions can be temptations that need to be turned off.

Set Schedules, Allow for Breaks and Give Yourself Mini-Rewards

Just like your body needs rest or sleep to perform at its best, your mind needs to be bested and refreshed periodically to remain at its best. Your mind needs periodic short breaks during focused periods of concentration as well as longer breaks between major achievements. These breaks can be rewards for completing the job or sub-tasks. Don't be tempted to turn to other tasks and your distractions and this will switch you off from the focus on the task at hand. Take genuine and refreshing breaks and let the mind rest. Consider a short walk or other form of exercise than can give your brain a flush. A tea of coffee break is obviously useful but avoid being lured into distractions.

Look after your Mind and Body

Don't let your task interfere with your sleep and rest. Having sufficient is essential for concentrating. Similarly, a balanced diet and regular aerobic exercise are also very important. Being in good physical shape, well rested, well fed provides the foundation for an ability to remain focused and concentrate on what you are doing.

Practice to Improve your Ability to Focus and Concentrate

Oddly it does improve with practice, but you have to focus and concentrate to learn how to do it.

Write Down your Ideas to Clear your Head

When you take time to physically write down your thoughts and ideas it makes you focus your full attention on that idea for just a moment. You have already started to develop a list where you can store things freeing space in your mind to focus on one task at a time. A simple pen and paper is the start of better focus and concentration.

Don't Procrastination

Finding it hard to concentrate? Are you guilty of putting off some harder task or project because you know it will be tough and you want to postpone it? If you find yourself wanting to put something off, ask yourself these questions:

This will stop the rot and give you the incentive to face the task and remove excuses

Learning to FOCUS is part of the way to improve concentration
Learning to FOCUS is part of the way to improve concentration. Source: Public Domain
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Working to coordinate things and get elements working together helps to improve concentration. Source: Public Domain
One step at a time to improve your concentration
One step at a time to improve your concentration. Source: Public Domain
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Only 20% of your effort yields 80% of the outcome. Learning to focus improves this ratio. Source: Public Domain
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Learn to avoid distractions. Source: Public Domain
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Focus on the distant objectives - don't be distracted by the trivia bubbling around you. Source: Public Domain
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How to improve concentration when studying. Source: Public Domain
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Summary of best tips to improve concentration. Source: Public Domain