Simple Time Management Tip - Use Stacks of Sticky Notes

There has been a lot written about time management. There's GTD, ZTD, Auto Focus, To Do Lists, and lots of phone apps, PC software and heaps of online tools and other stuff. But who has time to read and apply these tools. Most of them are time wasting High-Tech traps.

In many cases the users of these tools end up being the slaves to this technology and get bogged down wasting lots of precious time entering and editing the stuff. The 'tail ends up wagging the dog'.

There has to be a simpler way. Well there is! The method I use is an extremely simple and effective method using sticky notes organised into a stack. I call it Post-It Task Stacks. Its the PITS!

Learn how to manage your time and establish priorities using this simple method
Learn how to manage your time and establish priorities using this simple method. Source: Public Domain

What are the Five Key Elements for Effective Time Management


All you need are Sticky-Note Pads or Post-it Notes (the paper variety) and a pen. Thar's It!

THE TOOL. Source: Public Domain
LISTING THE TASKS. Source: Public Domain
THE STACK. Source: Public Domain

Advantages of this Simple System

If you must there are electronic sticky notes that can be run on your computer.

Learn to Prioritise your Task List
Learn to Prioritise your Task List. Source: Public Domain
Learn to do what matters first, and proceed in an organised way through an ordered list
Learn to do what matters first, and proceed in an organised way through an ordered list. Source: Public Domain
Time Management Tips
Time Management Tips. Source: Public Domain
Learn to prioritise
Learn to prioritise. Source: Public Domain
Classic Time Wasters
Classic Time Wasters. Source: Public Domain